Marlin Media Event

On August 9th, 2016, a summer themed media event was held at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.  Platysens was one of the three companies presenting and the only hardware company in the group.  Our session started off with our Founder and CEO, CY Wong explaining the motivation and features of the Marlin.

File 10-8-2016, 3 35 53 PM

After the presentation, the media was invited to the clubhouse swimming pool where a live Marlin demonstration was conducted.  In the demonstration, the lap counting and lap time features of Marlin were demonstrated.  Our swimmer swam two laps and then data was synchronized to a smartphone and shown to the media.  It was a very successful demonstration and we received a lot of interest from the press.




Here are some of the media coverage we have received from the event


TVB Pearl news ( Duration: 19:25 - 20:46 )

Hong Kong Standard: Start-ups along for ride




Ezone: 港產「游水版 Fitbit」採骨傳導技術 水底「聽」比賽成績

HK01: 【創業】科技園公司「創業培育計劃」 致力培育本地創企成長

HK01:【創業】游泳監察儀即時「收聽」資訊 助泳手改善自身不足

Hong Kong Economic Times: 初創科企申資助 「人無我有」取勝研發游泳感應裝置 4個月獲批

星島日報: 科技園創業培育計畫 成就三初創企業發光

TVB news: 港公司開發出游泳監察儀 可全球定位系統

TVB news: 港開發游泳監察儀 可監察海中游泳人士數據

TVB Putonghua news ( Duration: 10:06 -11:14 )

Marlin Demonstration